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Changelog News Post #1650

Balance Tweaks

Written by: Keroc, the Starborn
Date: Friday, August 9th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone

I don't particularly relish doing nerfs, but here we are. I'll be keeping a close eye on Shaman to come, as I'm not entirely certain how much the change to stormtouched will affect them. If anything it'll provide some room to grow them in other areas. We'll see.

- Feather fetish now takes 5 seconds to activate, instead of being instant.
- Omen no longer disables Vitality and Lifebloom when it lands.
- The lifebane affliction now has a third person message when it expires.
- Energy threshold equilibrium penalty increased to 0.3 seconds per, up from 0.25.
- Naturalism Consumption cooldown increased to 30 seconds, up from 3.
- Naturaltide release is now a little bit faster for each primal energy you have.
- Strangle equilibrium cost lowered to 3.8 seconds, down from 4.
- Vitiate equilibrium cost lowered to 3 seconds, down from 3.25.
- Vitiate now generates 1 energy when used.
- Sporulation energy threshold reduced to 2, down from 3.
- Equivalence energy threshold increased to 4, up from 3.
- Removed 3p lines from fetish activation, you will need to call them in team fights now.
- Thornwall now covers all exits at once, instead of just one.
- Thornwall no longer hurts the owner of the skill.
- The raven familiar now generates primal energy for the Shaman every second attack.
* This replaces the attack where the raven causes an anxiety and mana loss.
- The serpent familiar now only deals the loki venom on one of its attacks.
* The additional weariness or lethargy is now gone.
- Warding now drains a little bit of mana while turned on.

- Illumination Sear can no longer be applied unless the target has soulburn or soulfire.
- Shine tick speed increased to every 11 seconds, up from 10.

- Fixed a typo on Rebuke.
- Zeal Heelrush initial two hits of damage reduced somewhat.
* Limb damage values remain the same.
- Swagger can no longer be used once you have accumulated five lost strength.
* For some reason I thought this was the case already and it was not.
- Removed Discernment from Swagger since it isn't random.

- Removed Dhuriv Nick as mentioned I might from some time ago (announce 2785).
* It probably has enough tools to stand on its own feet now.

- Hypnosis affliction fall off time sped up to 8 seconds, down from 10.

- Golem base attack time increased to every 6.5 seconds, up from 6.

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 21st of Chakros, in the year 482 MA.

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