Aetolian Game News
Probing troops for info
Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Monday, July 9th, 2018
Addressed to: Everyone
Couple of changes to PROBE-ing troops to give some transparency to their bonuses.
1) It'll now show "It is fortified in this position." to indicate that was the division who captured the room and gained the fortify bonus.
2) It'll also now show a 'morale' rating depending on what sort of adjacency bonus or malus the troop has:
Extremely high - In their home town.
High - Has adjacency bonus (i.e. current room + all adjacent rooms are their territory)
Neutral - No bonuses/malus (i.e. at least one adjacent room, or the current room, are their territory)
Low - Has adjacency malus (i.e. current room + all adjacent rooms are not their territory)
Extremely low - In an enemy town.
I've also had a couple of questions on how adjacency bonuses work, so answering them publically.
Q: Does area matter? i.e. will you still get an adjacency bonus if one of the rooms is in a different area?
A: Troops will still receive adjacency bonus even if the adjacent room is in a different area. Troops will also receive adjacency bonus if the adjacent room is their home settlement.
Q: Does a room having no territory flag on it affect adjacency bonuses?
A: Any unflagged rooms are completely ignored when checking if your troop has an adjacency bonus. This means your troops will still receive an adjacency bonus even if an adjacent room is uncapturable land.
Penned by my hand on Closday, the 21st of Khepary, in the year 474 MA.