Aetolian Game News
Racetracks Again
Written by: Tiur, the Gnosis
Date: Friday, August 18th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone
I know, I know. I just... I just have to get it _right_.
Racetracks now take a House Cut, defaulting to 10% of the bet PRE-BET. This can be confusing, but mirrors a real racetrack better. For example.
Player PoV:
Ed bets 100 gold. 100 minus the house cut will be the real bet.
In the case of 10%, that means a bet of 100 becomes a bet of 90.
What this means:
Let's say Ed bet on Wilbur to show at 1:1 odds. In a world without tax or anything, 1:1 Means "bet 100, get 100, in addition to getting your bet back". If Ed wins this bet, he walks off with 100 gold profit.
Now, with a House Cut, those 1:1 odds mean "bet 100, get 90, in addition to getting your bet back". If Ed wins this bet, he walks off with 90 gold profit.
It's weird, but really it's trying to defray the betting into letting the city balance what gives them an actual profit or not. Especially because taxes make them lose 10%, so breaking even isn't as common.
God, that's confusing. Flashbacks to explaining Vampire Generations...
RACETRACK HOUSECUT <%>: Set the HouseCut to a new %.
RACETRACK STATUS: Status will now show what the House Cut is.
Cities, this places the onus of profit on you, not the actual odds. They don't matter from your PoV, just move the Housecut around to make sure you profit.
Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 1st of Variach, in the year 468 MA.