Aetolian Game News
More ideas
Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Friday, August 18th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone
Here's another list of ideas I've implemented, taken from the player-submitted idea database!
* MINIPET LIST is now sorted by the minipet's appearance in alphabetical order, rather than its ID number.
* You can now MAIL posters like you can a letter.
- Mail receive lines will actually show you the appearance of the item that
was delivered now, rather than just 'a letter'.
* Gods can now PUNISH <person> WITH COOKIE. This effectively is a reskinned shrubbery, but everybody (including mortals!) can EAT <person> to instantly kill a cookie'd person. We take no responsibility for Kyna abusing this command.
* Shamans can now just FETISH UNATTUNE without needing to specify a target.
* The minimum age restriction on being bloodlined has been removed. You must instead now have 20 hours of playtime.
* Emotes now have support for a $razmael_he's token, which will replace it with you're and he's.
* Esteeming a divine will no longer subtract from your daily esteem limit. Tell us how awesome we are!
More to come soon!
Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 22nd of Haernos, in the year 467 MA.