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Announce News Post #3677

Birthday shop open, CELEBRATE!

Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Monday, October 7th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Today is officially Aetolia's 23rd birthday! Make sure you enter the CELEBRATE command to get yourself 23 bound credits!

Olleo's shop in the Harpy's Head Tavern (v66737) is now open! You'll find both old and new stock there, including new mounts, new minipets, a new figurine set, and a new 'celebratory' style scroll!

Finally, an explanation of the points system used for the upcoming birthday events:

Every qualifying event that you participate in will give you a single participation point, and winners receive extra points. Some of the events do not award points as the formats are slightly different than normal.

Howver, points for MOST events are as follows:

1st: 5 points
2nd: 4 points
3rd: 3 points
4th: 2 points
5th: 1 point
Participation: 1 point

You can check EVENTS INFO <event> on a specific event to confirm if it follows that format.

Some notes:

- Winners gain participation points as well as their winning points, e.g coming 2nd in most games will give the 4 points for placing, and the 1 participation point.

- Twins awards points according to the top teams with the same breakdown: 5/4/3/2/1 points, with participation on top, e.g if Keroc and I come 1st, we'd both get 6 points.

Below are the thresholds for points:

Total Points Credits
------------ -------
6 10
9 15
18 25
20 25
22 25
26 25
31 25
36 25
40 50
50 75
60 100

These are cumulative, so if you finish the month with 30 points, you'd gain: 10+15+25+25+25+25 = 125 credits, as well as any credits you win from placing in the events!

Once the games have begun, you'll be able to use EVENT RANKINGS to see the cumulative scores!

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 7th of Severin, in the year 7 AC.

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