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Announce News Post #3650

Classleads June 2024 - part 1

Written by: Keroc, the Starborn
Date: Tuesday, June 18th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Devotion / Apocalyptia
- [3431] Rites / Verses will no longer be destroyed until you suffer a full death.
- [3424] Pilgrimage / Earthcall can now travel to a destination with a monolith.
* It is still blocked if there is a monolith in your own location.
- [3424] Pilgrimage / Earthcall now restores a small amount of health and mana to your allies upon arrival.

Corpus / Ascendance
- [3481] Purify / Succour now only cures one random affliction.

Deathlore / Ancestry
- [3475] Harvest / Victory now grants additional souls based upon the level of the body.

Domination / Contracts
- [3451] Gremlin / Faunapod will now upset equilibrium instead of balance.
- [3442] Bubonis / Mocker has had its maximum health tripled.

Geometrics / Cultivation
- [3428] Lemniscate / Sonder now gains 3 stacks if the caster is not in the same room per Afterimage / Intrusion proc.

Mentis / Dictum
- [3426] You can on longer whisper or dictate afflictions while off balance if you are fallen.
* This includes all forms of whispering, such as Forkedtongue, Trill, etc.
- [3436] Peace / Kunirait will now be automatically cured after 7 seconds when delivered by Mentis / Dictum.

Tarot / Hyalincuru
- [3425] Temperance / Chalice now forceably clots all bleeding for 4 mana per 1 point of bleeding.
- [3429] Tower / Confetti can now only make one set of rubble at a time.
- [3429] Tower / Confetti summoned rubble has been set to a 2 minute lifespan, instead of variable.
- [3430] Death / Raven now requires 5 rubs / adjustments to use, instead of 7.
- [3430] Death / Raven no longer gains additional rubs / adjustments from Leech / Unspool.
- [3430] Death / Raven channel time has been swapped to a more precise timer, so it should be 7 seconds more consistently.
- [3430] When channeling Death / Raven, you can no longer dodge or divert attacks.

- [3465] Packhowl no longer needs the same Shapeshifter type to make use of it, instead it now requires you to have mutual Shapeshifter allies with you.

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 19th of Slyphian, in the year 4 AC.

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