Aetolian Game News
New Class
Written by: Tiur, the Gnosis
Date: Monday, April 1st, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone
So, it's Don't Trust the Internet day. Normally I would pick on everyone and put up something that, while hilarious to me, actually made people a little annoyed at playing.
Not this year!
Instead, I give you access to a Bad Idea Class. There are many BICs, like Jesters, anything with Vodun, and the short-lived werehamster... but this one is special, because it actually works.
I give you: Savant
Look at what skills you have and may use.
Embrace the Savant form, abandoning your class (temporarily) to use only the skills you have learned as a Savant. Any mobile killed while a Savant may potentially teach you one of its abilities! Don't mind the crazy names, or the complete inapropriate nature of some of them... mobiles learn odd things sometimes. If you learn a more powerful version of an ability, it will replace the old. Cannot learn from Eld or Vermin. Or any instantkills.
Go back to being a boring, normal class. You will remember savant things, but cannot use them.
SAVANT MIMIC <ability> ON <target>
Use an ability you've copied! Its mana cost and equilibrium use is related to the relative power level of the ability.
This is going to break. Just have fun. Don't BUG or ISSUE unless you're stuck or something. Message me if something is outright broken and unfun, but this is just a silly day!
PS: Yes, you only start with a baby humgii punch. You'll have to use that to work your way up to more interesting attacks!
Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 16th of Niuran, in the year 479 MA.
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