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Announce News Post #2869

Classleads July 2018 - part 4 (warhounds)

Written by: Keroc, the Starborn
Date: Tuesday, July 31st, 2018
Addressed to: Everyone

Hey folks,

With breeding becoming a lot easier, it's long due time that I made some changes to Carnifex to make them a little more balance. The key theme going forward here is to make sure when they select an option to cover an aspect (such as tanking ability), it comes at the cost of something else. You'll also notice I've made their lockdown a little weaker to compensate for their relatively strong locking tools.

Having said that though, I've also introduced some buffs to the limb route as it hasn't been as strong as I'd like since the Crush nerfs.

As always, I'll be keeping an eye on things and making any changes as necessary to ensure the class stays as a performable level. If you have any questions feel free to message me.

- Removed Skill: Deepwounds.
- Reduced the damage on Spinning slightly.
- Increased the damage on Hack by a bit.
- Crushed knees is now a timed affliction and lasts for 12 seconds.
- Crushed elbows is now a timed affliction and lasts for 8 seconds.
- The Mastery talent Yanking now upsets balance for 0.15 seconds when using Hook.
* Increases to the current 1 second if they are mounted as before.
- Swapped the afflict order of indifference and stuttering in Batter.
- Swapped out crippled throat in Batter for blackout that lasts 4 seconds.
- Gutcheck now causes anorexia instead of vomiting.
- Charging movement type changed from unblockable to normal.
- Charging now allows you to choose a venom of choice to strike with when it procs.
- Charging will only proc weapon effects if the weapon you hold is a polearm or a hammer.

- Removed Skill: Spiritchains.
- When using an ability that requires soul, the amount returned is now a percent of maximum soul rather then current soul.
* This means you need to be a little more careful with abilities that use soul.
- Enfrost now increases to 80% proc rate, up from 40%, if they are fallen.
- Distortion soul restoration decreased to 6%, down from 10%.
- Bloodburst soul restoration decreased to 8%, down from 12%.
- Frailty soul restoration decreased to 8%, down from 15%.
- Implant soul restoration increased to 15%, up from 10%.
- Disease soul restoration increased to 10%, up from 8%.
- Wraith reworked:
* No longer causes weariness when proc'd, but it will still strip the shield defence.
* It will now prevent soul from passively returning to the target for as long as it exists.
* Equilibrium recovery time for Wraith reduced to 2.5 seconds, down from 3.
* Wraith no longer restores soul when used, however it still requires 10% to be missing.
- Poison reworked:
* Poison now deals damage based on current afflictions, rather then the number at the time of application.
* Poison now lasts for 24 seconds, increasing to 32 if below 50% soul.
* Now requires at least 15% of soul missing from the target before it can be applied.
- Disease reworked:
* Base timer increased to 10 seconds, increasing to 15 if below 50% soul.
* Removed the variable timer on it based around how much missing soul the target had.
* Soul restored decreased to 8%, down from 12%.
- Implant cooldown has been shifted off the target and onto the caster.

- Removed Skill: Barrel.
- Added New Major: Gifted.
* Increases the elemental coat resistance of the warhound by 5%.
- Intercept is now a major warhound ability and has been removed from the main skillset.
- Reduced the proc chance on Intercept to 10%, down from 15%.
- Stare major trait now gives shyness instead of confusion.
- Reworked Herding major trait:
* Now has a 10% chance of stopping enemies from leaving the location.
* The hound must be active in order to gain the proc chance.
- Reworked Focus:
* Adds additional effects to Poisonclaw, Shock, Acidspit, and Stare.
* Poisonclaw will give haemophilia if they have dementia.
* Shock will give berserking if they have epilepsy.
* Acidspit will give crippled if they have weariness.
* Stare will give peace if they have shyness.
- Cunning now increases the proc chance of hound abilities by 5%.
* Includes Intercept, Herding, and Twinheaded.
- Bloodtrace and Sleuth have been shifted into the main Warhounds skillset.
- Reduced base warhound elemental coat resistances to 5%, down from 10%.
- Astute has been removed and replaced with Procreant.
* Increases the amount of puppies that warhound can produce.
- Obedient is now required in order to grant a hound to another, without the hound will occasionally disobey.
* No longer allows you to ignore disfigurement.
- Haunting now always works, however it can no longer stack multiple times within the same location.
- Reduced the proc time on Haunting to 8 seconds, down from 20.
- Petite now lowers the carry weight for Deliver and Retrieve.
- Likewise, Heavy will increase the carry weight for Deliver and Retrieve.
- Bloodthirsty now prevents a warhound from wearing armour.
- Harmless has been removed and replaced with Bonded.
* This now prevents you from giving away the warhound.
- Removed the cooldown from Terror.
- Terror no longer uses hound balance, but 5 seconds of real balance.
- Terrifying minor trait is now applied on Howl instead of Terror.
- Terrifying minor trait now gives the terror affliction instead of fear.
* This prevents the person afflicted with terror from using COMPOSE.
- Removed Shatter, Ululate, and Terror from Initiative choices.
- Growl hound balance increased to 5.5 seconds, up from 5.

- I've given each active Carnifex three dog biscuits which you can use to swap old traits for new.
* They are consumable, so make sure you're careful with what you want.
* You can give them away if you so choose.
* Type HOUND FEED to learn more.

Penned by my hand on Closday, the 3rd of Haernos, in the year 474 MA.
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