Aetolian Game News
May Promotions Begin!
Written by: Tiur, the Gnosis
Date: Monday, May 1st, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone
Oh boy, my first promotion!
Last month the Shapeshifters saw more attention than they're used to, and a new form took the lead. Chests were a... well, chest of surprises, and included shapeshifter themed shineys.
This month has a theme too, see if you can guess it. It might tell you about things we're considering for this month, or it might be a complete red herring!
Credits exchanged for lessons will be 1 to 7 instead of the usual 1 to 6! What efficiency!
Each 25 credits bought in May will reward you with a giftbag. Giftbags have their normal prizes shown in HELP GIFTBAGS, but also something special just because. Giftbags will be giving out three new special items, at 10%, 5%, and 5% respectively.
A minipet token is an odd little thing that will allow you to MINIPET EXCHANGE <pet1> <pet2>. Two of your minipets will be forgotten, allowed to wander back wherever it is minipets come from... but a new third will be created according to a formula based off of those exchanged.
It has something to do with the minipet families recently added (check MINIPET LIST). The created minipet is also off of a special list that includes unique minipets to this exchange, and other pets not seen in a long, long time. Personally, I think there are too many arachnids involved in this. But the exchange does favor families with poor representation. The less members of a family, the more new we added.
A relic crucible is a terrible creation. Possession of one will allow you access to the CRUCIBLE command. CRUCIBLE MELT <piece1> <piece2> <piece3> will melt three relic pieces that you didn't want, and fill the crucible with a strange fluid.
A relic mold is the companion to the crucible. With one, you can CRUCIBLE POUR <mold> and use that filled crucible's contents and give you a piece from the set the mold matches. The molds are currently randomly distributed in giftbags, but if you don't like them, hang on to those crucibles, I'm sure the list will change.
Currently, you may find molds to create pieces for the following relics, at varying probabilities:
Pouch, sharkteeth, resplendence, race idol, plumage, hunter's knife, Ilmenite Bracer, a fake ID, a compass of disorientation, and a grapnel.
You may recall two of those are parts of the coveted bracer set, and the grapnel is an artifact!
Allows you to SWING up to rooftops and treetops, just like a Syssin!
Here's hoping for an exciting promotion,
Penned by my hand on Closday, the 18th of Niuran, in the year 465 MA.