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Announce News Post #2647

Progress Updates!

Written by: Oleis, the Infused
Date: Sunday, February 26th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

Even though there's a lot going on up here in the Pools, we don't often tell you about it as well as we should.

Razmael's hard at work on a new project that we'll reveal when it's a bit closer to completion. It may be a little surprising at first, but it should prove to be a huge relief. With the last batch of classlead changes done, Keroc is tuning up trouble spots in the code and finishing up the Cabalist revamp. Hadrak is helping me out on a huge swathe of building for the March promo (it's gonna be yuge!) as well as keeping track of mortal builder projects.

Today I'm also going to start something I'll try to do more often -- a changelog roundup! I know many of you fall behind on your changelogs or don't realize they're there, but we try not to spam your Announce feed too badly, so here's a helpful summary of this week's changes.

#1377 19 Feb 2017 Keroc
Afflictions/states with penetration will now show reductions on AUDIT, but it will only show in the total column. I can't show them if they require a certain attacker though (think the Warlock ability in the Mitiliary research tree), sorry! Keep in mind that the reduction will be more if they have a higher total and less if its lower, so it won't always be the same unless it's a full removal like Stormtouched.

#1378 -- For Gods only but extremely helpful!

#1379 20 Feb 2017 Keroc
Added the command FIRSTAID USE INSOMNIA <ON/OFF>. This will tell firstaid whether to use the Insomnia skill in Survival or to eat cohosh/tongue curatives.

#1380 23 Feb 2017 Hadrak
Brother Bolan is now accepting gold to resolve your enemy status with Helba in the city of Delve. If you encounter a problem with this, make certain to BUG it.

#1381 26 Feb 2017 Keroc
If you like a little flavour in combat like me, then you now have the option of CONFIG SIMPLE_DIAG BOTH, which will display both the simple line and the flavour text. This lets you gag the simple line and keep the flavour text.

#1382 26 Feb 2017 Keroc
I've made it so you can no longer use Relaxing in Survival on defences that aren't marked as strippable. Hopefully should fix up a bunch of loopholes with this command.

#1383 26 Feb 2017 Keroc
Smite and Frenzy damage in PvE have been improved somewhat.


Penned by my hand on Closday, the 15th of Midsummer, in the year 464 MA.

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