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Announce News Post #2645

Classleads January 2017 - part 2 (end)

Written by: Keroc
Date: Friday, February 24th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

Hey folks,

Just letting you know we're trying out something new here with revivals. As it is experimental, you may see changes to how it works as needed. If you have any concerns, feel free to message me!

- [2295] The Translocator can no longer be used while squelched and must have both arms free.

- [2285] Numbing now disables actions that require one arm/leg, but only when the opposite limb is broken.
- [2285] Numbing duration increased to 4 seconds, up from 2.
- [2280] Lowered Combustion mana drain to 4%, down from 5%, if the opponent isn't affected by your Conviction.

- [2293] Lifebane from Vitiate additionally reduces non-natural healing by 50%.
- [2263] Overload energy threshold increased to 3, up from 2.
- [2263] Overload mana cost increased to 300, up from 120.
- [2263] Overload willpower cost increased to 100, up from 40.
- [2279] Unstoppable Reclamation can no longer be stopped by sleep.

- [2293] Removed the diminishing returns from active healing abilities.
- [2278] Vampires can now SIRE nightstalkers without having to be in the Praenomen class.

- [2256] Resurrections no longer refresh your willpower and endurance.
* You must go through the full death sequence for that now.
- [2256] All resurrections now undergo a new process when reviving another player.
* You must be holding the corpse to revive another player.
* Once the ability is used, the revival target has 8 seconds to accept.
* During this time, the corpse is placed in the room for anyone to interact with.
* Anyone may attack the corpse in order to try and destroy it.
* If after 8 seconds the corpse has not been destroyed and the revival has been accepted, then that player will come back to life.
* Some exceptions: The Tear of Lleis, prayer book artifact, and antiquated ring are instant revives.
- [2256] REVIVE the racial skill now costs half your health and mana to use.
- [2256] REVIVE the racial skill will only restore your revived target on half health and mana.
- [2256] Resurrection in Devotion now costs 1000 devotion and no longer costs mana.
- [2256] Regeneration in Necromancy now costs 500 essence and no longer costs mana.
- [2256] Calling in Deathlore now costs 1000 souls and no longer costs mana.
- [2256] Resurrection in Righteousness maintains its 1000 mana cost.
- [2256] All resurrection equilibrium recovery times have been set to 6 seconds.

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 23rd of Khepary, in the year 464 MA.

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