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Announce News Post #2636


Written by: Keroc
Date: Sunday, February 12th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

Hey folks,

I've rewritten the majority of Illumination to make it easier to modify as needed, so if you find any bugs please feel free to message me.

Few things of note:
* Illuminate is now EVOKE ILLUMINATION.
* Quicken is now EVOKE QUICKEN.
* Enflame is now EVOKE ENFLAME <weapon>.
* Evaporate is now EVOKE EVAPORATE <direction with icewall>.
* Evaporate now has a spark cost.
* Cleansing is now EVOKE CLEANSING and the message is tweaked slightly.
* Cleansing now has a spark cost.
* Boilingblood is now EVOKE BOILINGBLOOD [OFF].
* Infernal is now a personal cooldown so you can track when it is up again.
* Shine is now in the defence database.
* Shadow is now in the affliction database.
* Shadow now has a third person message when it fades.
* Flare now tells the target what pipes/syringes it hits and the message is tweaked slightly.
* Removed most mana costs as it should consume spark instead.
* Willpower costs changed to a 10th of the spark cost in most cases.
* Most abilities now have combat messages.


Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 3rd of Arios, in the year 464 MA.

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