Aetolian Game News
The Cabalists
Written by: Oleis, the Infused
Date: Tuesday, January 24th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone
I entered the guild and city meeting process with the intention of doing whatever it took to avoid closing any guilds. Unfortunately, the situation in the Cabalist guild was more dire than I realized. Despite the sincere efforts of the guild's leaders, there is not a feasible path forward for them to regrow their membership and recover. Over the last week or so, I've worked together with the guild's leaders to transition their roleplay and assets into a non-guild structure so that we don't lose the rich history of the Cabal. There's a clear place for the amazing roleplay they bring to the table in Spinesreach, but the guild itself has closed its doors. The class will still be freely available to Spireans and I'll be restoring it to the introduction soon.
I cannot overstate my appreciation for Eleanor and Akaryuterra in this process. They've been extremely honest with me, forthcoming with their desires for the future, and willing to work together on a solution that hurts the least. They have truly made the best of a difficult situation, and helped me feel confident in an impossible decision.
I do not intend to leave Spinesreach short a guild. As we work on the Cabalist revamp, I will be monitoring the communities of influence within the city. If enough like-minded people come together, I will present a guild concept with the offer of formation. It would be a relatively clean slate in terms of lore, role, and leadership, but it would be the home for the revamped Cabalist class.
There is a thread open on the forums if you'd like to discuss these events with me.
Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 12th of Slyphian, in the year 463 MA.