Aetolian Game News
Wayfarers adjustments
Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Thursday, January 19th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone
As promised, we've been keeping a close eye on the Wayfarers and have a bunch of balance adjustments and bug fixes for you.
* One-handed Axe attacks (thrown and melee) now use full balance instead of hand balance.
- This means your combos will now look something like AXE LOB KEROC <wait for balance> AXE CHOP KEROC HEAD <wait for balance/thrown axe to return> <repeat combo>
* New thrown attack: Assault. Works with Rampage.
* Retrieval now increases your balance recovery from thrown attacks, instead of increasing return speed of thrown axes.
* Slaughter's prone bonus is now faster axe return speed, instead of faster balance.
* I've adjusted the speed of almost all Tenacity attacks, and the damage of some of them too.
* There's a new QUEUE: Axes. You can QUEUE AXES <command>, and this queue will fire only when you are both on bal/eq, and have no axes in the air.
- This means you can do something like "QUEUE AXES AXE ASSAULT KEROC HEAD\QUEUE BAL AXE CHOP KEROC HEAD" to do one round of attack easily, where \ is your CONFIG SEPARATOR.
* The Fury gain on attacking has been increased a bit.
* Fury Shatter will always apply the focus disrupt now. When boosted, it will now lengthen this effect instead.
* The chance for Masochism in Fury Shatter has been replaced with a chance for dizziness instead.
* The boosted effect of Threaten additionally causes masochism in the target.
* Fury Cost on intimidate has been dropped from 40 to 30.
* Opportunity's counter attack no longer deliver's venoms and is now flagged as a ranged attack.
* Forest mastery's Foraging skill works properly now.
* Underground mastery's Guerrilla skill works properly now.
* Wielding a two-handed weapon in between a thrown axe attack will correctly donk you in the head when the right-hand hand returns now.
* Whirlwind can be used without specifying a venom.
More fixes to come, and more adjustments as well as we watch how these changes play out.
Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 7th of Niuran, in the year 463 MA.