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Announce News Post #2618

Haven and City Portal Changes

Written by: Oleis, the Infused
Date: Monday, January 9th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

Hi folks --

I mentioned in our Town Hall meetings that I wanted to help encourage our players to interact more with their citymates and guildmates without removing the ability to make the private connections that many of you value. I'm now implementing one such change.

Havens have always been places our characters create through force of will and mind. Now, when you enter your haven, a shell of your body will remain in the room from which you traveled, visible to other players passing through. You will be able to interact with everything in your Haven as normal, though you will not be able to take aggressive action. Meanwhile, your resting body below will still overhear speech in the room around it, which will echo to your consciousness in the Havens. This will allow you to keep up with the conversation and allow others to get your attention.

Should someone wish to confront you more directly, she or he may WREST you from your Haven, bringing your consciousness back into your body and preventing you from returning to your Haven for 60 seconds. While there may be friendly uses for this command, it is certainly aggressive and provides PK cause should you wish to press the matter.

Additionally, while your city portals will function the same way, there is now a 90 second time limit before you are brought down to a gathering area in your city. The following locations have been marked gathering areas:

Bloodloch - The West Gate
Spinesreach - The Inner Gate
Duiran - Core of the Great Oak
Enorian - Landward Gate

While this is currently the only use for them in code, we may lean on them in the future in similar efforts. Please feel free to contact me or post in the corresponding forum thread with any questions or feedback.

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 22nd of Midsummer, in the year 463 MA.

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