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Announce News Post #2610

Orrery changes

Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Friday, December 23rd, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Hi folks,

Here's a list of changes and notes for the Orrery that I've just made:

1) The exits leading into the Observatory area are now in/out exits, to prevent line-of-sight to the main room.
2) Globes will now ramp up their damage increase a lot faster if held by someone of the opposite tether (i.e. shadow-tether person holding a spirit globe).
3) Instead of lasting for 72 hours, the Orrery active periods will last from 10th Midsummer to 20th Midsummer, and 10th Variach to 20th Variach. This should result in an approximate 40-hour conflict period. After witnessing the recent Orrery 48 hour conflict, I feel that 72 hours would end up being too long for the scale of the conflict. Plus that date range should be fairly easy to remember!

There was also some changes made during the event that I just want to reiterate here in case it was missed (CHANGELOG 1334):
* It is no longer possible to conceal orrery globes. All existing globes have been unconcealed.
* Globes idle in a room for 5 minutes will now respawn somewhere else within the radius.
* Globes will respawn shortly after being dropped by a player.

I also want to take this chance to clarify how the scoring system works a little bit, to address some questions and complaints I've noticed. Putting a globe into the Orrery when the Orrery is aligned opposite from that globe is twice as effective as putting in a globe of the same alignment. i.e. putting a shadow globe into a Spirit-aligned Orrery would lose you points equal to 2x spirit globes, and vice versa. This is both to serve as a comeback mechanic for the losing side, and also to prevent one side from dumping all the opposite-tether globes into the Orrery before putting theirs in, effectively despawning the globes if they're at max rank for example.

We'll be continuing to monitor the Orrery and making changes as needed in the future.

Penned by my hand on Closday, the 25th of Ios, in the year 463 MA.

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