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Announce News Post #2607


Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Saturday, December 17th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

The festive season of Celesmas is upon us, and Ironbeard is here with his usual generosity!

Rather than our usual method of AFKing until Ironbeard visits you, we're taking a different approach this time. To attract Ironbeard to you, you must have a platter of sausages and beer in your inventory. Ironbeard will then pick out several people holding platters throughout the day to visit. The more platters you have in your inventory, the more likely he is to visit you on his next run! Ironbeard also has a ravenous appetite from all his traveling around, and will eat all your platters when he visits.

So how do you get a platter of sausages and beer? It's simple, many taverns and pubs across the land will hand them out if you give them a hand in decorating.

You must find holly trees and mistletoe bushes that will spawn randomly across the land, and you'll need to SNAP TREE to get a branch of holly and PULL MISTLETOE to obtain a sprig of mistletoe. Then just head to your favourite tavern and do DECK THE HALLS and HANG MISTLETOE to give it a bit of Celesmas cheer. Once done, the grateful tavern owner will give you the platter.

You can do this quest to obtain once a day, and it'll be running until the end of the year. Enjoy!

Penned by my hand on Closday, the 8th of Severin, in the year 463 MA.

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