Aetolian Game News
November Promotion: Cryptic Chests!
Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Tuesday, November 1st, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone
This month, a perennial favourite has returned as our promotion for November: Cryptic Chests! There are available for direct purchase on our website at under the Artifact Packages section.
Within the cryptic chests you'll find a random prize that might be one of the following:
- Credits
- Iron Coins
- Artifacts (including super rare prizes such as a venom rag, which can't be obtained elsewhere!)
- Minipets
- Chocolates
- Compendium pages
- Discount vouchers
- Ambience tokens
- Stealth crystals
- Relic pieces
- Gold
In addition to that, we also throw in some extra minor prizes such as ylem amulets, curatives, globes of elemental energy, grimstim pills, and more.
I'll be adding new items into the chests in the coming days, and removing some old ones including the flair relics which will be replaced with some new relics. This is your last chance to obtain those if you missed out last time!
To start us off, you'll find four new minipets and three new mounts in the chests.
- a goggle-bearing hound
- an andragil hatchling
- a snowy, big-eared rabbit
- a thick-furred, albino tiger
- an oversized toad
- a flaming stallion
You'll also find that both prize tickets and raffle tickets can sometimes be found within the chests as an extra prize too.
Make sure to check HELP CRYPTIC CHESTS for further details on the possible prizes you'll find in a cryptic chest.
Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 10th of Ios, in the year 462 MA.