Aetolian Game News
15th Anniversary!
Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Friday, October 7th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone
The month of October is Aetolia's 15th Anniversary, and we have some games to celebrate with!
Schedule for the games is as follows:
Sunday 16th, 21:00 GMT The Esterport Duel
Wednesday 19th, 21:00 GMT Starfall
Friday 21st, 0:01 GMT Great Hunt starts (48hr)
Sunday 23rd, 0:01 GMT Great Hunt ends
Wednesday 26th, 23:00 GMT The Esterport Brawl
Saturday 29th, 22:00 GMT Iron Epicurean
Sunday 30th, 0:01 GMT Halloween-themed Survivor
There will also be other arena events run at periodic intervals in between these times.
Additionally, you may type CELEBRATE any time throughout the month of October to instantly receive 15 bound credits, to celebrate our 15th year!
Rewards for winning these events will be in the form of tickets, which you can exchange for prizes at the end of the month such as mounts, minipets, commemorative items, and entries into a raffle which can win you some artifacts. Further details on these will be available later. Some other events may have additional prizes, such as the Great Hunt which will have credit prizes to be won for the top ten.
You will get tickets simply for participating in an event, and extra tickets if you place in the top three. This also extends to the unscheduled events not listed. Times, and exact prizes for each event, will be posted in the EVENTS listing sometime soon.
Penned by my hand on Closday, the 8th of Lanosian, in the year 461 MA.