Aetolian Game News
New artifacts pt. 2
Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Friday, August 19th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone
Here's the next batch of items being added to the Iron Coin and Credit shops! We've got even more planned for release in the coming days as well.
a portable folding table (25 coins)
A small table you can carry around with you and prop up for use as an arm wrestling table. Drop the table, and then ARMWRESTLE CHALLENGE <target>. When the contest begins, you keep doing ARMWRESTLE PUSH, ARMWRESTLE STEADY or ARMWRESTLE SURGE until you beat your opponent!
a hastily-wrapped box of chocolates (15 coins)
Contains three chocolates, with an uncommon chance for a fourth and rare chance for a fifth. One-time use. Simply open it to use.
a cracked scroll case (25 coins)
Contains three random compendium pages. One-time use. Simply open it to use.
a crafting stamp (65 coins)
This item allows a crafter to customize the mark left on their crafted items (i.e. It bears the distinctive mark of). The item gets a single free customization, during which you can specify what you want the message to be. Message is subject to administration approval.
a Dwarven ear horn (30 coins)
This artifact allows you to understand even the most slurred of drunken speech. Perfect when in the company of Spireans.
an ironwood smoke box (40 coins)
Fumology-crafted products such as cigarettes, cigars, and blend packets placed within this box will not decay. The item gets a single free customization, which you can also use to customize the messages for opening, closing, and removing items from the box. Can hold up to ten items at a time.
a pot of hot wax (50 coins)
This artifact allows you to remove all the feathers from an eagle at once, saving you a lot of needless plucking!
a pair of steel cutting shears (50 credits)
Removes all the pages currently in your compendium and puts them back into your inventory, allowing you to reassign them to different bonuses or even trade them to another player if desired. One-time use.
a wooden tile case (50/100/200 credits)
This artifact increases the number of tiles you can store in your triptycha cache by 50%, 100% and 150%.
a fumologist's rolling kit (400 credits)
When wielded, this doubles the number of Fumology items produced when crafting them, similar to the other crafting artifacts.
a fumologist's recipe book (50 credits)
This artifact increases the amount of blend slots you can have from 20 to 100!
Penned by my hand on Closday, the 17th of Lanosian, in the year 460 MA.