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Announce News Post #2575

New artifacts pt. 1

Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Thursday, August 4th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Here's a release of some new Iron Coin artifacts for you! A few of these are based on ideas submitted in the contest thread, and the submitters will be getting a copy of their artifact. If your idea isn't here, don't fret just yet, this is just the first batch of artifacts we're releasing!

Firstly, two new minipets in the coin shop:
- a fuzzy camel calf
- a playful goat kid

a nebulous bag (30 coins)
By PAIR-ing two (or more) of these artifacts together, they will begin to share the same storage space. That is, putting an item in one of the containers will allow you to take the item out of any of the others. You can UNPAIR <item> at any time to undo this, but anything inside the space will no longer be accessible to you.

a keepsake box (35 coins)
This box can only be used for storing letters, and only the owner can remove letters from it. Any non-preserved letters will also decay a lot slower inside the box.

a glass tip jar (30 coins)
Set this jar down somewhere and people can put gold into it for you, allowing you (and only you) to empty it later. Should this jar be placed in a library or a shop, any dues/taxes owed will attempt to be paid automatically from the jar (only works if the owner isn't dormant for shops, and the shop belongs to them though!).

a shopkeeper's ledger (40 coins)
Whenever someone buys anything from your shop, this will alert you if you're online. It will tell you what was bought, who bought it, and from what shop.

a concealed flask (25 coins)
You can fill this flask with alcohol and then SWIG FLASK to take a drink from it without anyone seeing it happen. Great for when you need to sit through a boring special occasion!

a tube of concentrated alcohol (35 coins)
Allows you to SPIKE <drink> to add alcohol content to most non-alcoholic drinks. Doesn't work with curatives.

a pink heart-shaped ticket (200 coins)
Temporarily available only for this month! Allows you to customize the marriage line you and your partner share with each other. Is only applicable to your current marriage. Subject to approval.

Penned by my hand on Closday, the 8th of Khepary, year 460 MA.

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