Aetolian Game News
Celebration is OVER!!!
Written by: Master of Ceremonies, Suresh Nalkari
Date: Sunday, July 31st, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone
All the events of the Celebration of the Stars are now over! But don't
panic, the Celebration grounds will remain open for a few more (real)
days for you all to get those last tickets you need for your prize, and
use up your remaining tickets.
We had some ties in the personal rankings, so we broke the ties by
taking whoever had the most first placings in events, and then by second
and third placings if a tie was still there. As such, here's the final
personal standings for the Celebration:
1) Fezzix
2) Mazarine
3) Trager
4) Varel
5) Aymah
6) Draiman
7) Akara
8) Nenelos
9) Nozuzius
10) Tina and Dotteo
Tenth place was still a tie after trying to break it, so we decided to
award both of them tenth place. Congratulations to everybody! Your
credit rewards will be handed out soon after this post.
For the final city placings, we have:
1) Spinesreach
2) Bloodloch
3) Duiran
Congratulations! I'll be in touch with the city leaders in the next few
(real) days to sort out prizes once we finish up things on our end.
Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 4th of Chakros, in the year 460 MA.