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Announce News Post #2561

City vs City Team FFA

Written by: Master of Ceremonies, Suresh Nalkari
Date: Sunday, July 17th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Just a quick update on how the prizes and scores for the City vs City
FFA works, since the standard prizing we're using for the other events
doesn't work here.

1) The winning city will claim the Epicurus in Meditation statue.

2) For the city that comes first, all citizens from that city who
participated will gain 8 Celebration points each. However, the city
itself will only gain +8 total instead of gaining +8 from every citizen.

3) For the city that comes second, all citizens from that city who
participated will gain 4 Celebration points each. The city itself will
only gain +4 total.

4) For the city that comes third, all citizens from that city who
participated will gain 2 Celebration points each. The city itself will
only gain +2 total.

5) EVERYBODY who participates in the City vs City Team FFA will get 10cr
each from us, for coming out to represent their city.

6) Everybody who participated in the City vs City Team FFA from the
winning city will also get an additional 10 credits each.

Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 16th of Variach, in the year 460 MA.

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