Aetolian Game News
Keg Race updates
Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Saturday, July 16th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone
Hey folks,
Keg Race is in a few hours so I've gone ahead and made a few adjustments to it.
Being drunk now also has a couple of additional effects alongside increasing your stumble speed. Firstly, the drunker you are the more potent most of the Keg abilities become. And secondly, negative effects such as stun and blackout wear off faster the more drunk you are.
KEG RAGE makes you immune to drunkeness effects for its duration, alongside its existing benefits.
I've changed the course slightly so that it's slightly longer. Instead of following the road all the way down to the desert, it turns into the Vashnars instead and finishes at the first room of the Bloodwood. If this sounds confusing, don't worry, you get prompted on which way you need to go every time you move.
Cooldown on CHUG KEG cooldown also lowers the more drunk you are, for maximum chaos.
Hope you enjoy the chaos. Make sure you read over HELP KEG RACE some time before the event so you understand how it works.
Penned by my hand on Closday, the 13th of Variach, in the year 460 MA.