Aetolian Game News
Skythrone War
Written by: Dristin
Date: Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone
The Skythrone war is in affect within the Three Widows! It, along with
the areas of Heylai, Hubride, and Humgurd, are considered open-PK during
this time. There are several ways to participate in helping either the
Dwarves/Trolls or the Atav.
Aiding the Dwarves/Trolls:
-Kill Atav raiders and guards.
-Complete the quests in Humgurd that provide their people with supplies.
-Kill someone who has enslaved a villager and lead that villager back to
Heylai, Hubride, or Humgurd - it doesn't matter which of the three.
Aiding the Atav:
-Kill Dwarves and Trolls in Heylai, Hubride, and Humgurd.
-Get the Humgurd supplies and drop them at v21719 to be destroyed by the
-ENSLAVE any non-named NPC in Heylai, Hubride, or Humgurd and lead them
to v21719. The Atav will take it from there.
Please keep any and all actions you take seriously. The results of this
event will be decided by the actions of players.
Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 25th of Severin, in the year 457 MA.