Aetolian Game News
January 2016 Liaisons
Written by: Keroc
Date: Saturday, January 2nd, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone
A new year brings a new round of liaisons upon us! There will be two
weeks from this date for you to submit your reports for consideration.
*** IMPORTANT NOTE *** With a skill review for Sentinel coming up
shortly, we won't be accepting any large changes for them. You are
welcome to submit reports for minor improvements however.
You may submit up to 2 reports for skills in which you are Transcendent
to suggest combat balance adjustments, new features, or changes in
lesson cost to promote better newbie experience. As with last round,
liaison members are allowed to submit 6 reports, including reports filed
by proxy for other players.
*** Please only submit reports on one of your characters. The report
limit is to allow us to keep these rounds running on a quarterly basis.
HELP LIAISONS has more information if you have any questions. I
encourage you to seek the help of your citymates, fellow fighters, and
Liaison members to create the best possible report. Reports which do not
adequately explain the problem at hand or reports lacking thoughtful
solutions will not be accepted. Please keep all information inside your
liaison report and refrain from linking to external sources - you can
use the in-game editor if you want to format your reports.
Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 15th of Severin, in the year 456 MA.