Aetolian Game News
Departures and Arrivals
Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Thursday, October 15th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone
Hi folks,
We're all very sad to see Riley/Oleis leave us. He has been utterly fantastic to work alongside, and will be sorely missed. Best of luck to you, Riley!
His departure has left us with a vacant position to fill, and today I'm very happy to announce that Aetolia now has an additional two paid Assistant Producers: Luke, and Katie.
Assistant Producer - Coding
Luke, who you will know as Keroc, has been a volunteer coder on Aetolia for six years. Some of the projects he has worked on over the years include Survivor, the weather system, the Sect of Blades, several revamps, and lots of class liaison work. Transitioning into a paid role, he will be working on coding projects, as well as officially continuing his role as the head of combat/liaisons.
Assistant Producer - Roleplay
Katie, who plays Hadrak, has been a volunteer on Aetolia for five years. She has been running our mortal builder system for a long time, and has overseen the release of lots of areas you visit today such as the Bloodwood, Ylem mines, and large portions of the Albedos continent. As a paid staff member, Katie's role will be Head of Roleplay. This includes responsibilities such as running events, developing lore and overseeing area releases.
Keroc and Hadrak can be contacted with questions either in-game with messages, or at their official e-mails:, and While they will both be assisting in some of the day to day administrative tasks of Aetolia, you should still send any purchase/credit related questions my way (
Congratulations Katie and Luke!
Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 11th of Midsummer, in the year 454 MA.