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Announce News Post #2431

Cryptic Chest updates

Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Saturday, July 25th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

Hey folks, we've got a bunch of new goodies in our cryptic chests, and have
removed a few things as well. Details as follows:


Stealth crystal
Once you crack this crystal, it will give you the sense_elusion defence for 24
hours, which has the same effect as a hood of elusion. Destroyed upon use. Can
be traded in for 5 credits using PROMO TRADEIN.

Compendium pages
New pages for the following areas: Karak forest, the Dramedo Warrens and Tcanna.
These areas have been taken out: Arbothia, Nal'Jin and Fengard.


You'll find five new minipets in the chests, and all the old ones removed. The
five new minipets are a range of birds, as follows:
- a sly, black-feathered crow
- a squat penguin
- a black ra ven
- an iridescent hummingbird
- a dark, bald eagle


A repair kit
4x an assortment of tools

This relic is consumed on use. You can use it to REPAIR <item> to extend the
decay time of any item by 100 real life days.

A dissonance bell
4x a cracked porcelain bell

You can RING BELL to create a monolith effect in the current room for 10 mins.
Can be used three times before it is destroyed.

A resplendence token
4x a rainbow-hued fragment

Allows you to emote in colour! Simply EMOTE <colour> <text>. This item will
eventually decay.


All the current racial relics have been removed from the chests.

Shark teeth
4x a shark's tooth

You can CHOMP an item in your inventory in order to destroy it. This will
destroy your teeth, so you will need to REGROW TEETH afterwards.

Customized shield tattoo
These relics will customize the message you and others will see upon using your
shield tattoo. Nine total varieties, each with their own unique message for when
you TOUCH SHIELD (only customizes message, you need to supply the shield
tattoo). If you have multiple, you can switch between them with RELIC SHIELD

Following types are available:
Fire 4x an elemental pigment of fire
Air 4x an elemental pigment of air
Water 4x an elemental pigment of water
Earth 4x an elemental pigment of earth
Shadow 4x an elemental pigment of shadow
Spirit 4x an elemental pigment of spirit
Lightning 4x an elemental pigment of storm
Vines 4x an elemental pigment of the wilds
Ice 4x an elemental pigment of the tundra

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