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Announce News Post #2418

Time changes

Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Thursday, June 25th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

Time in Aetolia has experienced a significant slowdown as a result of recent events. The sun takes ever longer to make its journey across the sky, increasing the length of day from one real life hour, to four real life hours. The length of an Aetolian month, season and year in relation to an Aetolian day remains the same. This means months, seasons and years also now last four times longer in real time.

This grants the game a more significant time cycle, allowing us to craft a world in which the hours, days, seasons and years can have more detail.

Things might be a little bumpy and inconsistent for a while, as we start transitioning systems to the new time, so bear with us as we work on that.

Most events that occurred at midnight on a new day (e.g. cooldowns), will now occur at one hour increments throughout an Aetolian day instead, at certain time periods: Dawn, Noon, Dusk and Midnight. For events that happened at the start of a month (e.g. shrine upkeep), these have been moved to the Howling instead. Events that happened at the start of the new year (e.g. shop taxes), these will occur at the start of a season instead. Some messages/help files may be inconsistent for the next few days (i.e. referring to actions happening once a day), but feel free to bug these anyway to be doubly sure we get them all.

Lastly, as a result of Primus Abhorash absorbing Ati, the Praenomen class has received some minor changes. At dead midnight (which lasts for approximately 4 minutes), the Praenomen class is significantly increased in strength, gaining 21 to all stats, and faster balance and equilibrium. And on the flipside, at dead noon, the sun will deal significantly more damage to them, and will kill most vampires outright.

Penned by my hand on the 15th of Arios, in the year 452 MA.

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