Aetolian Game News
SB:CC Update -Matches begin!
Written by: Grimgix
Date: Thursday, February 20th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone
Hail all,
I'm pleased to update that the Match Ups have been decided by our team captains and the matches may begin!
Please find the matches scheduled between Sibatti's team "Ominous Kalsu Name", and Irra's team "It's All Ogre" below for your reference!
Ominous Kalsu Name | It's All Ogre
Captain: Sibatti | Irra
=== Match Ups ===
1v1 Minataro | Noube
1v1 Tina | Grimgix
1v1 Tysios | Whirran
2v2 Amyie, Omegughk | Valys, Csethiro
2v2 Llancarfan, Natliya | Ivonia, Meleah
3v3 Sibatti, Tulle, Edhain | Irra, Virelen, Hajamiqiel
*No professions have been locked in by either team captain at the time of fighter match up submission, thus all fighters will be allowed to choose any profession to fight as in their match up, subject to only one restriction: Each duo or trio may only have a MAXIMUM of ONE shapeshifter per team!
All fights may now proceed and the event shall end once all fights have been completed, or by the 7th of Lleian, 10 AC, whichever is earlier!
For a reminder of the scoring and locations, please find the rules as below:
Scoring for each fight shall be as follows:
Winning team gets 2 points
Losing team gets 0 points
In the case of a draw or time out, both teams shall be awarded 1 point (I shall allow for a rematch to determine a winner, but only if both sides agree to do so for that match up!)
Important to note: All fighters must submit the result of their fights to me via message. Any records of the fight would be appreciated as well for public watching and to settle any disputes on rules or the fight results.
Sample format for message submission: SB:CC 1v1 fight result for Tina vs Grimgix: Draw.
Fight locations:
Fights may take place in Arena OR outdoors if both teams in that match up agree.
If BOTH teams agree to open world fight, then I'll allow it, but once you agree on a fighting area, you have to stay in that area until the end (so no escape to the clouds or caves to escape to reset!). The first person who leaves the area before the duel is concluded will be deemed to have forfeited for their team (except in the case of a temporary loss of soul connection ... I trust we can all be civil about how to judge this!).
Technically this means you can "ring-out" an opponent with a well timed or well placed forced movement... but obviously if you're caught waiting at the edge just to employ such tactics, your win may be invalidated, so please play nice with each other!
Thank you all for your time and patience! Good luck for your fights, and let the games begin!!
In honour,
Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 2nd of Slyphian, in the year 9 AC.