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Public News Post #7567

A Sacred Enmity

Written by: Paxe Visara, Courter of Ruin
Date: Monday, February 17th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone

Her work done, Her gift of memory given, Her revelation delivered,
She turned Her thoughts to other pursuits. Resolve girded Her voice
with Her next declamation, a burning promise of vengeance to come for
Her Brothers Ivoln and Severn.

"I have had a century to plot, Brothers. You will regret Your betrayal
of Me. Long, You thought Me dead. Gone.

I name Myself Your enemy, and I will not be silenced again."

The Apostles know that to name a foe as sacred is to anoint them in our
highest measure of reverence -- not out of sentiment, but because their
destruction has become a holy thing, a prophesized downfall that will
shape our world indelibly in its aftermath.

They are the molten rock upon which our iron is tested, the anvil upon
which the will is beaten into something unbreakable. It is a bond alien
and unknowable to any who have not claimed it as their own.

Myth and legend are spun from the dust where adversaries meet, in that
hallowed place where betrayal, brutalism, and bravado are written on
the battlefield line by bloodied line, and transmuted into something holy:
another storied saga within Memory's skein.

Thus we decree the first holy year of many in honour of enmities Divine,
a year of burden and of bloodshed, of revelry and of ruination, in honour
of Those who have shaped Sapience as only adversaries can:

Ivoln, the Earthen Father and Lexadhra, the Indelible.

To our Father, we offer all we have been; the weight that rests upon
shoulders of ancient stone, the steadfastness of bedrock, the blood and
dust and bitter bones of a People of War, who were and are and will be
again. We offer Him what all Fathers hope for, in striving to carve
a legacy of our own.

To the Indelible, we offer all that we are becoming - the unspun tales
sodden in scarlet, the breath between steel drawn and the brink of war,
the uncommitted deed seeking to bleed black across the skein of history.

And to Sapience, we offer only this:

Entertain Her, or be forgotten.

We deliver a challenge at the dawn of this sacred year to each and every
guild upon this continent. Sharpen your steel. Stoke the fires of your
faith, your fear, your fury. Seize opportunity, or fade into obscurity
absent Her eye.

Registration for the Fame and Infamy Battlefields begins now, and remains
open until the 16th of Slyphian, 9 AC. Guilds may join by declaring their
convictions via Public News Post, should they be willing to speak boldly
and risk the taste of blood in their mouth for their candor.

Once the appointed time has elapsed, the Indelible's attention will fall
upon those eager to spark enmity anew, pairings selected and delivered to
guild leadership that they may arrange a battlefield upon which to prove
their fervour.

The shape and the story is, as it always is, in your hands to write.

The Apostles hereby claim their place as the first entrants.

We will see our sacred foes at the appointed time and place.

Paxe Visara
Architect of Blood and Bone

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 5th of Lexadian, in the year 9 AC.

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