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Public News Post #7544

An Apology

Written by: Yesufa Wisteria Button, the Boar
Date: Tuesday, January 28th, 2025
Addressed to: The City of Spinesreach


I accept the failing that was my condemnation.

I am sorry, for several reasons:

* Firstly, and primarily, that I did not make our purpose in condemning the North clear. Our purpose, as it ever has been and shall be, is to feed DIA'RUIS with the unwilling blood SHE demands. I can only hope the war which waged across our Ithmia has slaked HER thirst, for we can satisfy it no more. It was the blood of your territories which SHE asked of us - however, this did not necessitate my condemnation. This brings us to my second point.

* My condemnation was a hasty one, made without consulting the greater bulk of my council. It was the action of a green leader - one which she was advised against by her own council. Had I but listened to them and withheld my ire, my council and I would not be in this situation. This is a fault I take upon myself. Recognizing moreover that the Spires lacked a clear understanding of our ire, I see also that I ought to have done more than shout my objections (which are listed in the first point) - you deserved an explanation, and that you went without one is a failure on my part.

I accept responsibility in both these regards, for I am Voice of my people, and it is from my quill and my mouth that you should garner understanding of my tribe's actions.

Spireans - if there are questions yet unanswered concerning the prior conflict, approach me and ask. You will find me answerable to your inquiries.

-Yesufa Wisteria Button
Presiding Voice

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 11th of Chakros, in the year 9 AC.

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