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Public News Post #7453

The Sky's Directive

Written by: the office of Regent Elene Arcan-Tetzauh, Adil wo Oidhre
Date: Thursday, October 17th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Deny the city that comes to enforce the Sky's Directive all you want. Rail in anger and raise your voices with all your might, with all your... futility.

You are little more than morsels, relegated to serving as squirming snacks to the First Dragon, Eldest of Her Kind, Who owned the world before mortalkind flourished, Who fed upon the thrumming undercurrent of magic that seethes within the spine of this world.

It is too extravagant a gift for it to be wasted in the hands of the unworthy, and so it must be returned - by force if necessary - to the North that pursues the knowledge to elevate them further and beyond. Tremble in your boots, rellyw, and pray with every whispered breath that your ability to tap into its wellspring has not been excised from you.


I am,
Elene Arcan-Tetzauh
Regent of Spinesreach, Dragon of the North

Officially released on Quensday, the 19th of Dharos, in the year 7 AC.

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