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Public News Post #7441

The Brokers of Fate

Written by: Whirran Mulariad Arcan-Tetzauh
Date: Tuesday, October 1st, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone


With the recent conclusion of our prior contract, the sellsword company known as the Brokers of Fate is once more available for hire.

The Brokers of Fate is a small, elite group of sellswords and mercenaries that operates as an organization unaffiliated with any city. Contracts of all sorts will be considered, be they for defense, law enforcement, espionage, assassination, or siegework. Members may be contracted singularly, or the band may be hired in its entirety, as negotiated at the time of contract signing.

The Brokers of Fate reserve the right to accept or refuse any contract as they see fit. Integrity in this matter is paramount, as a potential client the terms will always be clear, and the client will always be appraised of precisely what they are buying, in terms of personell.

As of this moment, the two founders of the Brokers of Fate are Sheryni Nebre'seir and Whirran Mulariad Arcan-Tetzauh. Both members are currently available, and may be contacted by interested parties. In accord with our policy of clarity, please find below the portfolios of these two members. Any new member will be expected to fill out the same to adhere to company policy.

(Formal Resume of Sheryni Nebre'seir)

Known Titles
* Strategos of Spinesreach
* Shadow Advisor of the Sciomancers
* Majordomo of the Heiress to the Ard-Dhasani's Throne
* Duelist of Mythical Legends
* Delvian Duelist Champion
* The Unraveller of the Spheres
* The Heartbreaker

Past Achievements
*Eight-time Champion of the prestigious Esterport Duel
*Proved herself as the chosen champion of the esteemed Ard-Dhasani, earning the blade Enigma, the Edge of Reason
*Governed Spinesreach as Regent, bringing about an era of prosperity for the city
*Led the city capture of the infamous Empire of Bloodloch
*Honored by the Sect of Blades for her unmatched dueling skills - rumored to have won some duels simply by showing her fangs

Notable Skills
*Versatility: Practices a multitude of lethal professions, boasting expertise in a wide array of deadly arts, and proficient with every form of weaponry - from dirks and whips to blades and bows.
*Arcane Prowess: Her expertise includes the use of shadow magic, which she employs to obscure her movements, deceive enemies, and create opportunities for devastating strikes.
*Stealth: She is unmatched in infiltration, often successfully completing missions without leaving so much as a bite mark behind.
*Leadership: Her sharp mind and strategic thinking make her an exceptional battlefield commander.
*Immortality: If you get the better of her once, she will reform twice as powerful and twice as determined to kill you.
*Restraint: Has a unique understanding of how to leverage her vampiric abilities without causing a scandal - most of the time.

Training and Background
Trained by House Nebre'seir, Sheryni's education was rigorous, encompassing a blend of martial discipline, shadow manipulation, and the subtleties of subterfuge and diplomacy. Her training ensured she could handle any situation - from slaying enemies in the dead of night to politely declining a goblet of "wine" offered by over-eager allies. House Nebre'seir emphasized perfection, including teaching her how to navigate difficult diplomatic dinners without giving in to her baser instincts, despite how delectable some emissaries might have looked.

Notable Contracts
* Defense of Salma: Participated in the Defense of Salma, concluding the contract without complaint. Notably managed the entire mission without feeding on any of the villagers - even when the situation got particularly stressful.

Personality Traits
* Cunning: Quick-thinking and perceptive, always considering multiple angles to efficiently handle problems
* Loyal: Deeply loyal to her allies, willing to go to great lengths to protect their interests
* Pragmatic: Focused on results rather than ideals, and while others might hesitate, Sheryni knows when it's time to get her hands dirty
* Ambitious: Sometimes accepts challenges purely because someone dared her

Allies and Connections
* Sciomancers
* Spinesreach

Preferred Methods and Tactics
Sheryni prefers a methodical approach, striking from the shadows and using deception and cunning. She takes advantage of her environment, using darkness to conceal her movements and gain the upper hand. On the battlefield, her tactics are as layered as they are ruthless, employing misdirection and precise timing to leave enemies bewildered. In one-on-one combat, she exploits her opponent's weaknesses with swift and merciless strikes. Efficiency is key, and she is not interested in unnecessarily long engagements - after all, there's only so much time before sunrise.

(Formal Resume of Whirran Mulariad Arcan-Tetzauh)

Known Titles
* Viceroy of Spinesreach
* Right Hand of Strife
* Adherent of the First Circle
* The Damned
* Soldier of the Uncrowned King

Past Achievements
* Dislodged the Midnight Serpent from Sapience shores more than any other.
* Fought at the Warlord's side to secure the demise of an Adherent of Misery.
* Held the line upon the battlefield of Mount Gallows.
* Bore the blade named Yearn, reaping countless Desperate in the name of the Underking.
* Manned the walls of the Warlord's fortress until the moment of their collapse.
* Lead the Argent Watch in defiance of the Eschaton's design.
* Once fired three catapults with only two hands.
* Destroyed the possessed inner gate of Spinesreach, saving the city from disaster and calamity.

Notable Skills
* Happenstance: Generally always in the right place. Sometimes at the right time, but usually at the wrong time.
* Koboldry: Skilled in the rearing, education, and maintaining of kobolds.
* Conflict: Has never backed down from a fight.
* Duty: Always does what is necessary to achieve what he has sworn to do.
* Foresight: Can often tell something is going to be a problem before others realize.
* Preemptive: Often kills problems before others realize they are a problem.
* Procurement: Has robbed Aeryx's shop six times, once legally.
* Strength: Once carried Maeve and Elene simultaneously on his back, all the way to the Court of the Gods.

Training and Background
Whirran's training nominally comes from the Carnifex, where he was taught to beat names and ass with equal impunity. This propensity for wholesale brawling, banditry, and bedlam was later tempered into a soldier's discipline under the tutelage of Bamathis, the Warlord. Unwilling to accept only conventional disciplines, Whirran likewise studied under the devoted, steak-loving Nok, learning extensive demolitions with the worlds greatest Tinkermancer.

Notable Contracts
* Defense of Salma, fulfilling the contract with no complaints. Notably, no snail travel exceded the speed limit laid out within the agreed upon document, lawbreaking was punished swiftly and without mercy, and ensured Deputy Sheryni did not snack on the clients.

Personality Traits
* Beligerence: Does not accept no for an answer.
* Boldness: Careful is for wusses.
* Efficient: Why hit them twice, when once will do?
* Relentless: A dumb bastard who never learned to quit.
* Loyal: To a fault, and usually to his detriment.

Allies and Connections
* Sciomancers
* Spinesreach
* Empress Elene, Great Wife
* Bamathis, the Warlord
* Arvelis, the Jackal
* Lexadhra, the Heiress
* Dhar, the Underking (ESTRANGED)
* Haern, the Hunter (ESTRANGED)

Preferred Methods and Tactics
Whirran prefers straightforward but effective methods. These usually involve applying a blunt object to the frontal area of any problem until it ceases being a problem. When alternative methods are required, he has been known to utilize blunt objects on differing areas of a problem, or simply blow the problem up entirely. These measures are often prefaced by clarion dictations to "accept the inevitable," "get on with it," or "cease and desist at once," depending on what the situation requires.

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 2nd of Sapiarch, in the year 7 AC.

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