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Public News Post #7439

Questing Competition Results!

Written by: Do-Nothing Wjoltyr Togwick, Gravity Mage
Date: Sunday, September 29th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone


It has been about seven weeks since the initiation of the Questing Competition, which means it is time to post the results! Without further ado:

Unique Quests

First Place: Moe
Second Place: Nisari
Third Place: Irra

Total Quests

First Place: Tulle
Second Place: Boube
Third Place: Lennai

I'd like to further recognize the very impressive effort Moe put forth. If it weren't for the limit of a single prize per participant, they would have won both categories handily.

All of the contestant put forth a valiant effort, and I thank you all for your participation to make this competition a success! I will reach out to the winners and distribute prizes soon.

I'll likely be revising this event based on the feedback I recieve and will hopefully make it a regular thing.

Respectfully Submitted,

Wjoltyr Togwick, Gravity Mage

Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 13th of Haernos, in the year 6 AC.

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