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Public News Post #7432

Empress of Null, or is it Regent? Whatever you're calling yourself these days.

Written by: the office of Maeve Visara, the Red
Date: Tuesday, September 10th, 2024
Addressed to: Regent Elene Arcan-Tetzauh, Adil wo Oidhre

Declaration of the Red Empire,

You stand for something, that is certain. What it is I'll not grace the public boards with.

Need I remind you that you, Elene, or your dogs, are the ones constantly hurtling insults our way.

Need I remind you that you, Elene, abandoned this Empire, pitter pattering all the way over to the cold North where it was far less taxing for your nerves? You don't get to claim it now, no matter how many wars you win. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.

Need I remind you that I, Elene, approved of the terms set forth in the treaty that your unhinged husband decided were 'void'. Terms that one of your Viceroys worked on alongside our Thronekeeper?

Let it be known we attempted to find common ground this day, and I came into Sepyhie's negotiations with Syssa with an open mind. I am ever there, Elene, but I can understand your wanting to gaze upon me in person. I am truly spectacular.

Sapience, let it be known that the Regent of Null dislikes being treated as she treats, and cannot bear the taste of the spoiled fruit she's sown.

I am His Adherent. We are His city. We will not be spat on and insulted repeatedly and expected to 'take' it or kowtow to your ridiculous demands and treatment, Elene Arcane. Not now. Not ever.

You come to this table with respect or you turn right back around and lick it off the floor as you scavenge our city for what morsels you can find.

All things do serve their place yes, so thank you for adding fuel to our fire. For ensuring that war is all we, or you, will ever know.

That there will never be peace.

We lose troops. We lose territory. We die and rise again.

We fight.

We learn intimately the meaning of Strife.

Truly, from the bottom of my undead heart,

Thank you.

The Red Tyrant

Oh, for the record, below is the treaty given to us, and the one we were in the process of potentially approving - it was far more sensible than the last, I'll grant you that, but I imagine that is largely do to who was working on it.

Terms provided by Sepyhie:
-A surrender status of one and a half year.
-I am to personally inspect the hilunite mines and supply to confirm all notes on things are accurate. If Bloodloch discovers a vein or deposit of hilunite within the next year or so they will tithe ten percent to Spinesreach.
-Spinesreach will hold the territories of Bloodloch, El'Jazira, Vilimo Estate, and Kornar until the treaty dissolves.
-Steel and stone for renovation or gold if stock are too low to supply.
-Diplomatic immunity for a year for the same previous people - Elene, Legyn, Virelen, Sepyhie, Sheryni. I did clarify if they decide to change any, Whirran and Noube were to be excluded, as I know that would be dealbreakers.
-A thorough safe and scientific examination of Bloodloch's pylon. Including the rebuilding process if required with a team of Spirean and if required external experts.
-Raevina as Occupation-General. Enemy status lifted.
-Enemy status removed for all militia.
-And non-participation in any conflict that may involve the Ophidian Empire, the Holy Impire, or the Undercity of Djeir.

Our revised terms:
1. A surrender status of one year.

2. Thronekeeper Sysaa is to inspect the hilunite mines, such as they are, to confirm all notes on things are accurate. If Bloodloch discovers a vein or deposit of hilunite within the next year, they will tithe ten percent to Spinesreach.

3. Spinesreach will hold the territories of El'Jazira, Vilimo Estate, and Kornar until the treaty dissolves, whereupon the territories will be returned to Bloodloch and all troops removed.
- Spinesreach will immediately withdraw troops from Bloodloch proper and allow the city's functions to proceed as normal. All blockades will be removed so that both citizens and caravans can proceed unmolested.

4. 2000 steel, and 2000 stone, or the equivalent in gold if stocks are low

5. Diplomatic immunity for the following of the ruling council of Spinesreach - Elene, Legyn, Virelen, Sepyhie, Sheryni
- This comes with the stipulation that these individuals do not act in a fashion that places the Empire of Bloodloch in danger, nor acts against it directly in the use of said immunity. In the consideration of mutual regard and progress, this will be considered an effort to rebuild relations and not a means of disrupting Empire functions. Abuse of this immunity will constitute a breach of treaty with a resulting loss of said immunity.

6. A thorough scientific examination of Bloodloch's pylon. The safety of those involved cannot be guaranteed with the unstable nature of ylem - do note the series of bombs it has had a hand in powering. However, citizens will not block this process and no external 'experts' will be permitted if Spirean scientists are not up to the task.

7. Raevina as Occupation-General. Enemy status lifted.

8. Enemy status for all militia members of both Spinesreach and Bloodloch will be lifted - any aggression or abuse of these statuses will constitute grounds of immediate reinstatement of enemy status on an individual basis.

9. Non-participation on a city-wide scale in any conflict that may involve the Ophidian Empire, or the Holy Impire. As the Empire of Bloodloch has standing treaties with the Undercity of Djeir, this stipulation cannot be adhered to.
- Individuals who wish to involve themselves on either side will not be held accountable to the Empire, nor will their involvement constitute a breach of treaty.

Officially released on Falsday, the 21st of Celes, in the year 6 AC.

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