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Public News Post #7370

Identification of the Point

Written by: Inquisitor Iyana Lavellan, Imparter of Memory
Date: Tuesday, July 30th, 2024
Addressed to: Thrice-Raven Eaku Redwood

Knight Eaku,

I will own my ignorance, for it does exist; I am young, but not so young that I am unable to read about the history of Enorian's betrayal. I will rectify this, and I thank you for the inspiration to do so. The foibles of mortalkind, no? Little drives us more than public embarrassment.

Regardless, there was a point that centuries old details need not accompany.

It does not matter how long your symbiotes - I will use this term, Knight, in hope that less inflammatory terminology may be more liable to penetrate - have existed or how comfortably they once rested beneath the Heartwood's boughs. The moment they were used to forsake your mortality, betraying Him, betraying the Lord Hunter, betraying the Rhythm and existence itself, to seize upon a perverse and selfish state of detachment from the Cycle, things changed. That it is a source of confusion among Enorianites is utterly bewildering.

There are those among you who chose to allow your symbiotes to divorce you from the Cycle. That they exist in and of itself is neither the point or the problem. That you have used them for this purpose as they have used you, welcoming them to infest and change you into something twisted and perverse in its rejection of Life and Death, is.

I will continue to provide a signature beneath my missives. As it appears to matter, it should allow others to develop some familiarity the name.

Warm Regards,
His Inquisitor, Iyana Lavellan

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 19th of Ivolnos, in the year 5 AC.

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