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Public News Post #7365

On the Subject of Death

Written by: Inquisitor Iyana Lavellan, Imparter of Memory
Date: Tuesday, July 30th, 2024
Addressed to: The City of Enorian

To the Hammer of Dawn,

Have you become so frightened of Death that you now perceive it as a punishment to be meted out? Once-friends of the Heartwood should know better.

Perhaps it is the malignant parasites you host - those that were so worth the betrayal of your closest allies - that have twisted your hearts this demonstrably. Perhaps this weakness of spirit was always there. It is bewildering that when you promise us bloodshed you appear to believe it will be threatening. Whether it is your blood or ours, we welcome its release onto the soil. Death does not terrify those who do what is right; those who align with the rhythm of the Prime, the natural Cycle of our world, know that to be made to kneel before Him is nothing that ought liquefy our spines.

Something you ought hear, the resistance of the Hammer toward Death and conflict in the present age borne in mind:

The purpose of the fight is not victory, lost ones, but the fight itself. It is not an opportunity to crow and bray and wave your pretty banners. It matters not if you - or we - win or lose. The hunt is entire point.

You cry out about delivering us to your pyres, and you seem to believe that we will tremble. We welcome each opportunity you offer us to face His judgment.

Sermons will be held on this subject in the coming weeks. I pray you attend. It is never too late to your lost reclaim morality.

We have demonstrated that we can help you.

His Inquisitor,
Iyana Lavellan

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 19th of Ivolnos, in the year 5 AC.

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