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Public News Post #7359

Predictability Indeed

Written by: Inquisitor Iyana Lavellan, Imparter of Memory
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2024
Addressed to: Knight-Artillerist Xavin Taziyah, aal-Ra'avi

Knight-Artillerist Xavin Taziyah,

I am uncertain if you are being willfully manipulative or are legitimately unable to perceive the nuances which layer these situations that you claim to be unable to understand. Whether you are deceitful or obtuse makes no difference. I will break these points down for you as simply as possible.

On the first point.

Yes, it will indeed anger a people more when their friends turn their backs not just upon them, but upon everything that people stands for and protects, than it will when those who are not friends do the same. When an entity you've no close relationship with does something heinous to you it does not create the same deep wound as a friend who stabs you in the back; these situations are worlds apart, and I have a difficult time believing you do not know that. This is how sentient relationships work.


What the subject of the Heartwood's first successful Akkari Cure does, has done, or will do, is more than clearly not the point of its existence. It is far, far broader than the foibles of one weak-willed beast. When a vampire is Cured by your people and returns to their disease once more, do you take from that experience that the Cure itself is now useless? Meaningless? Ought to be thrown in the bin? I think not, considering that you continue to perform it.


That you consider yourself above and apart from the undead of Bloodloch or Spinesreach is both apparent and delusional. There is no difference between you beyond the color of the veneer you choose to drape across your excuses. You have all turned your back upon what is right, you have all turned your back upon Life and Death. Garb yourselves in suns and gold and call yourselves heroes, it matters not; you are as lost as they.

Seek the Cure. We will provide.

His Inquisitor,
Iyana Lavellan

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 13th of Ivolnos, in the year 5 AC.

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