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Public News Post #7353

Your terms

Written by: the office of Maeve Visara, the Red Tyrant
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2024
Addressed to: The City of Spinesreach


We come from the hallowed Earth that knows no peace. We come from the benediction of blood, which stains our teeth. We come from the tortured souls, the broken bones, the viscera tangled over claws and fangs.

My Empire has heard your terms.

My Empire rejects them.

We will not submit. We refuse. There is no other way.

Let Ambition's eternal hunger peel our lips from our teeth as we sink them into your flesh. As we intimately learn the way your blood flows.

Let Despair's painful serenade beckon us deeper where we might reveal that which is uncomfortable and evolve for the knowing of it.

Let Memory swallow the story that lies before us, whatever it may be - and whatever it may be, let it be interesting.

Let Strife, in its raw and unrelenting essence, serve as the crucible in which our strength is forged, tempered, and ultimately solidified.

Let Tyranny's toil be the example set, His legacy one writ in neverending crimson.

In the days and weeks ahead, only two things are certain. You will bleed. We will bleed.

All we have is time.

The Red Tyrant

Officially released on Falsday, the 13th of Ivolnos, in the year 5 AC.

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