Aetolian Game News
The battle for Mount Memonaransa, the Court of the Gods
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Date: Saturday, January 18th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone
On this day, the faithful Congregation of Arvelis, the Jackal issued an open challenge within Mount Memonaransa, the Court of the Gods, daring any who would face them in battle. The contenders emerged victorious, overcoming the challengers through superior martial prowess.
A full battlefield report follows:
Faction 1, the faithful Congregation of Arvelis, the Jackal.
- 9 combatants answered the call to arms:
Iadora, Iko, Lin, Llancarfan, Morraine, Noube, Paxe, Virelen, and Whirran.
- Slew a total of 23 of their enemies.
- Maintained a presence of 34 minutes 19 seconds upon the battlefield.
- Their most bloodthirsty combatant was Whirran, responsible for 10 kills.
The contenders:
- Achieved victory by crushing their opponents with their number of kills.
- 17 combatants answered the call to arms:
Eliadon, Folke, Inthirath, Irra, Kagura, Legyn, Mahar, Meleah, Minataro, Nawan, Sheryni, Sryaen, Sysaa, Tredin, Valys, Xavin, and Xynialle.
- Slew a total of 48 of their enemies.
- Maintained a presence of 48 minutes 38 seconds upon the battlefield.
- Their most bloodthirsty combatant was Irra, responsible for 8 kills.
The battle lasted for 60 minutes, with a victory condition of faction with the most kills at the end of the time limit. These terms of engagement were enacted: Concurrent and cooldown.
This notice was posted on the 1st of Ios, in the year 9 AC.