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Politics News Post #1676

The battle for the Vilimo Estate

Written by:
Date: Saturday, June 8th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

On this day, battle raged within the Vilimo Estate with the combined forces of BamathisCongregation and Bamathis's Order emerging victorious over their opponents.

A full battlefield report follows:

Faction 1, comprised of Abhorash's Order and AbhorashCongregation.
- Slew a total of 25 of their enemies.
- Maintained a presence of 51 minutes 33 seconds upon the battlefield.
- Their most bloodthirsty combatant was Elene, responsible for 8 kills.

Faction 2, comprised of BamathisCongregation and Bamathis's Order.
- Achieved victory by controlling the battlefield the longest.
- Slew a total of 40 of their enemies.
- Maintained a presence of 51 minutes 50 seconds upon the battlefield.
- Their most bloodthirsty combatant was Whirran, responsible for 19 kills.

The battle lasted for 60 minutes, with a victory condition of faction with most time accumulated within the battlefield at the end of the time limit. These terms of engagement were enacted: Celerity, truedeath, and lockout.

This notice was posted on the 8th of Ivolnos, in the year 4 AC.

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