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Poetry News Post #2035


Written by: Ngaqita
Date: Monday, September 9th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

We are the very model of a race Arborean,
From ancient times forgotten, brought back by the Evergiving Yan,
Created by the Earthmother in ages lost to memory,
To walk again in modern times, among the worlda great mystery.

With roots that stretch to ancient pasts, we stand as living history,
Yet none recall our presence here, wea e but a distant memory,
Our bark-clad forms and leafy crowns are symbols of the life we bring,
But in this Midnight Age, we find ourselves anew, awakening.

We are the very model of a race Arborean,
From ancient times forgotten, brought back by the Evergiving Yan!

Wea e come into a world thata strange, with no shared tales or history,
The races of Sapience know not our ancient ancestry,
But still, we bear the song of life that Yanai once composed so pure,
A melody that flows through us, a force both ancient and obscure.

Our struggles are as old as time, yet new within this modern age,
To find our place, to forge our path, upon this ever-shifting stage,
How shall we thrive, adapt, and grow, within this land thata cold and grim?
Our roots will dig, our leaves will reach, as we embrace the life within.

We are the very model of a race Arborean,
From ancient times forgotten, brought back by the Evergiving Yan!

Though we are new to this worlda eyes, our essence speaks of ageless grace,
For Yanaia song within our hearts transcends both time and space,
Our bond with earth, with sky, with life, remains as strong as ea r before,
Yet how wea l fare in this new world remains a question to explore.

So watch us grow, so watch us learn, and see what futures we may find,
For we are but the echoes of a past the world has left behind,
But in our roots, our leaves, our bark, there lies a strength thata evergreen,
And we shall thrive in Aetolia, though once we were unseen.

We are the very model of a race Arborean,
From ancient times forgotten, brought back by the Evergiving Yan!

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 20th of Celes, in the year 6 AC.

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