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Poetry News Post #2033

Beauty in all things

Written by: Xendei
Date: Monday, September 9th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

I sit here and wonder what beauty can be found
In things simple and small or complex and grand.
Some find beauty in delicate flowers,
Others find beauty in the blossom of blood.
Still yet there is beauty in loss and defeat.
To contemplate beauty is akin to catching mist.
Yet I sit here and ponder, on all the pretty things
I seek in this eternal existence

The tinkling chimes I hear nearby
Remind me that beauty is in everything.
I've a thousand lifetimes to find and experience
All of the pretty things that exist around me.

Loss, defeat, courage, victory, pleasure,
Love, flowers, blood, tinkling, elegance-
I will seek out all the pretty things
That I may enjoy a beautiful existence.

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 15th of Celes, in the year 6 AC.

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