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Poetry News Post #2028

a poem

Written by: Xadlly
Date: Thursday, September 5th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Drown in Chaos and Dreaming,
where shadows tangle with light,
and the noise of the world
wraps around us like a heavy fog.

Stay close,
as wild waves crash,
pulling us under,
where secrets swirl like autumn leaves,
and whispers echo
in the depths of our minds.

Dreams slip through our fingers,
bright and fleeting,
a flicker of hope in the storm,
each one a color, swirling
with the chaos of our desires.

Lost in the dance of uncertainty,
a fine line between fear and freedom,
we navigate the currents,
hearts racing, breaths fleeting,
finding beauty
in the mess of it all.

Here, we dive deep,
hands outstretched to grasp
the fragments of ourselves,
knowing, beneath the tumult,
therea a stillness, a spark,
waiting to ignite the night.

So let the world spin and crash,
let the dreams fight for space,
for in this wild chaos,
we find the truth,
alive and brighta"a strange, wonderful clarity.

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 21st of Omeian, in the year 6 AC.

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