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Poetry News Post #2023


Written by: Yesufa Button
Date: Saturday, August 31st, 2024
Addressed to: A high jurismancer

Fornax, Fornax, Fornax, Fornax!
Fornax, Fornax, Fornax!

Sentinel coiling, scales shine bright
Eating the eggs out of nests at night
This is our land, this is our land
Obsidian's edge bred our bleeding hands

You are the boundary, slither and strike!
Kill, consume, in the shadowed night
This is our land, this is our land
Would-be predator ought to have ran

Fornax, Fornax, Fornax, Fornax!
Fornax, Fornax, Fornax!

Noble, violet basilisk queen
Mighty and fearsome, bright teeth gleam!
This is our land, this is our land
We honor You, we understand

You are the boundary, slither and strike!
Kill, consume, in the shadowed night!
This is our land, this is our land
Bones for your glory: this foolish man!

Fornax, Fornax, Fornax, Fornax!
Fornax, Fornax, Fornax!

Blood stains the earth, turns it red on sight
Would-be predators, dead at night
This is our land, this is our land
Tooth and claw draw separate strands

Carve your boundary, coil, then strike!
Kill, consume, in the shadowed night!
We encircle all our land!
Our teeth are bared, we coil and snap!

Fornax, Fornax, Fornax, Fornax!
Fornax, Fornax, Fornax!

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 11th of Chakros, in the year 6 AC.

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