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Poetry News Post #2020

Ode to the Witness

Written by: Yesufa Button
Date: Tuesday, August 27th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Aelwen watches you all the time
Both when you escape and when you die
Where the hunter's footsteps subtly wind
She's never that far behind, behind
Never that far behind

Eye and hoof of sprightly doe
She knows both fight and flight like home
No matter where you seek to go
The Witness sees, you know, you know
The Witness sees, you know

O queenly Doe of Does, protect
The young, safeguard us from regret
And hunting's perils, to our rest
For running's the best defense, defense
Running's the best defense

Smoke of herb burn now apace
Whisper, turn, amidst wind's race
To mist the air with fragrant grace
Please Her with the display, display
Please Her with the display

For Aelwen watches you all the time
Both when you escape and when you die
Where the hunter's footsteps subtly wind
She's never that far behind, behind
Never that far behind!

Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 13th of Dharos, in the year 6 AC.

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