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Poetry News Post #2004


Written by: Midnight Marauder, Melegaunt Visara
Date: Tuesday, July 9th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

^5Corruption in the halls, empowering,
Bribes and secrets, life's endowing.
In the shadows, deals are made,
True ambition never swayed.

Greed and cunning, virtues pure,
Taking all to feel secure.
Public trust, a tool to use,
Play the game, nothing to lose.

Golden handshakes, profits high,
Morals bend, let virtue die.
Promises are just a game,
Power wins, there is no shame.

Behind closed doors, they plan and scheme,
Righteousness is but a dream.
In the night, their power grows,
In daylight, what they want, they show.

In a world where truth is void,
Honestya just to be toyed.
With corruption, strength is found,
In its embrace, we are unbound.

From the highest courts to the street,
Corruptiona path is dark and sweet.
As the game of power plays,
All is justified, always.

Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 19th of Dharos, in the year 5 AC.

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