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Poetry News Post #2002

Seraphic Union

Written by: Headmistress Isia Taziyah
Date: Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024
Addressed to: Knight-Artillerist Xavin Taziyah, aal-Ra'avi

In realms where time and space entwine,
There stands my Seraph, most divine.
With wings that span the cosmic sea,
Carry my heart to soar, celestial, wild and free.

Your feline eyes, like amber gleam,
Reflecting in them, worlds unseen.
In whispers of the cosmic breeze,
Your voice, a melody that brings me peace.

Ever bound in celestial grace,
In your embrace, my heart finds its place.
Your touch carrying a warmth so rare,
Fills me with a love beyond compare.

Together, we dance among the stars,
Where love transcends both near and far.
No mortal bounds can tether us,
In your wings, I find eternal trust.

Across the heavens, our love unfurls,
Where a tapestry of constellations swirls.
For here, my all, in realms above,
I give my heart, my soul, my love.

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 7th of Ios, in the year 5 AC.

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