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Poetry News Post #1993

Home, Heart, and Hoard

Written by: Naivara
Date: Thursday, June 13th, 2024
Addressed to: The City of Spinesreach

I scattered my past, leaving all behind
arriving with nothing, not knowing what to find
I climbed the stones of the ruined gate
Never once thinking this was my fate

Through Chaos, gremlins, and the occasional jelly gone bad
Tentacles grasping and colors that made me go mad
These people changed me, helped me, completed me
And even through all the Chaos, this is where I want to be

I found my heart within the dragon's hoard
The pieces came together, showing me all I adored
Warmth and affection, shelter in the night
No matter where I go nowhere else would feel right

I know not what the future holds,
Nor what strange events may unfold
No matter what happens, come whatever may
Spinesreach is my home and this is where I choose to stay

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 18th of Lexadian, in the year 4 AC.

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